Monday, August 26, 2019

Womens rights and how women got them what they went through to get Research Paper

Womens rights and how women got them what they went through to get them - Research Paper Example In general, it absorbs a critique of gender discrimination; more particularly, it contains the encouragement of women's interests and welfare (Duggan, 1979). It can be said that the first wave of feminism started in the early 1848 and it lasted till the 1960s after which the women started getting their rights. However some argue that the movement ended in the 1920s as the constitution to allow women to vote was passed in this very year.. This essay would further prove this claim by giving an overview about the first wave of feminism in the United States and its drawbacks (William 1969) Women have been treated as inferior to the men in every segment of this world until they fight for their rights to be served as equal to the men. The first wave of feminism started in 1868 and lasted till the 1960s in the United States (William 1969). The main aim of this feminist movement was to retain the rights of women in the country. Before the first wave of feminism took place the condition of wo men in the United States was miserable. The women were not allowed to vote and had no shares when it came to property rights. Wives did not have any rights when it came to justice over their husbands as they were not allowed to file any petition in case of any harshness.... f the first feminist movement proved quite successful in achieving their objectives but on the other hand they were not successful enough to provide all the necessary rights to women living in the United States and thus other similar movements had to come into play so that these rights were also achieved for the women. It basically revolved around the issues of seeing women as sexual objects, their individual identity, their right to vote, the issues which they faced in their work places and healthcare. The first wave was brought about by different groups which were then known by different names such as the Abolitionist groups and the Women Rights Organizations (Clarke 1974). The women in the first wave demanded moral equality to the levels of a man. The most important issue which the feminists pursued was to achieve individual status for women living in the United States. In other words they wanted a woman to represent the community of women living in the county. In order to pursue all these rights the women set out with different conventions and marches so that their demands could be accepted by the government. In 1848 the famous ‘Declaration of Sentiments’ was announced which became the basic principle of the movement which was going on in the United States. Similarly this was followed by the formation of different organizations which worked towards achieving the rights which the women were previously deprived of. Following this the organizations in achieving rights for women seemed successful as the women were provided with rights to property ownership and child custody. They also provided workplace laws which helped to women to participate more in the working sector. In 1920 the Nineteenth Amendment to the constitution of United States took place and this gave

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