Sunday, August 4, 2019

Neuroenhancers: Are they the answers for our problems? Essay -- Analys

In the article, â€Å"Brain Gain† by Margaret Talbot, it illustrates the growing underground world of neuroenchancing drugs. In her article, she writes about how more and more people are taking neuroenhancers to improve their cognitive functions. People are taking neuroenhancers because they feel pressure to compete and perform well in this stressful society. Talbot’s articles shows how this society has become so obsessed with efficiency and is so competitive that users are making justifiable reasons to take these neuroenhancers. These neuroenhancers are drugs that supposed to be used by people who suffer from cognitive disorders like A.D.H.D. The use of neuroenhancers for competitive gain is wrong on so many levels. The use of neuroenhancers is unethical, and cause philosophical problems. There are also physical risks for using neuroenhancers. The use of neuroenhancers for competitive gain, not for treatment of a disorder is unethical. Neuroenhancers like Adderall and Ritalin are used to treat people with disorders that disrupt their normal cognitive functions and are suffering from serious cognitive disorders (Talbot 2). Now more and more â€Å"over-committed people† are taking these drugs to become â€Å"higher functioning and more committed† (Talbot 2). They are taking these drugs to make the impossible to the possible. Also, these drugs are used by people who wasted their time too busy partying and engaging in activities that are â€Å"detrimental to their performances† (Talbot 2). They are too busy participating in other activities that they neglect their academic work. These students are cheating and using these drugs to get a competitive advantage. It is totally unfair for students who doing their assignments with neuroenhancers. Also, it ... society has changed. Giving a hundred percent is not good enough anymore. Now people need to take drugs to get ahead. Thanks to these societal pressures there are demands for drugs like Adderall. Neuroenhancers are not the answers of our problems. Neuroenhancers are dangerous at so many levels. It causes physical, mental and philosophical harm. They are used by lazy people who have poor time management skills and who doesn’t want to do hard work. This shows how much our society has fallen. It resorted to drugs to make life easier. No one wants to make sacrifices or put hours of hard work. They want everything delivered to them. They don’t care what are the neuroenhancers are doing to their body. They feel the award is worth the risk. Hopefully users will realize what are they doing and stop using neuroenhancers before they are suffering from permanent harm.

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