Thursday, August 8, 2019

How effective is the United Nations in global governance Essay

How effective is the United Nations in global governance - Essay Example To achieve this goal, this paper has been divided in to nine sections. The paper will be initiated with the background of the UN, its aims and principles. It will be followed by its major involvement in international security and peace projects post cold war, and its failures in Rwanda projects, its silence post 9/11 and other major events. The research has been conducted by referring to many prominent books and reliable websites, journals that offers authentic reports and information regarding UN. About United Nation As Higgins(Higgins, R) mentions in his report ‘Peace and Security, achievements and failures’ that it is impossible to understand or analyze the effective measures of the UN without knowing what initial measures were intended by this organization. What were the challenges that it has faced since decades. After the Second World War, 51 countries were joined together to form an international organization in the year 1945. It was aimed that the formation of th is organization will help maintain a healthy and friendly relationship between nations worldwide, to maintain international peace, security and to promote social progress. It also focused on improving the living standards and human rights too (â€Å"The UN in Brief†). President of United States of America, Franklin D. Roosevelt gave the name UNITED NATION and it was declared on 1st of January 1945, when countries were engaged in World War 2 (â€Å"The UN in Brief†). Before the establishment of United Nation, several attempts were made by many countries to organize special bodies for similar causes.Then formally, on a larger scale the UN organization was established on 24th of October 1945 and each year, this day is celebrated as United Nations day globally (â€Å"The UN in Brief†). IT consists of 192 members and when General Assembly is conducted, the members meet and discuss global issues together (â€Å"Introduction to the United Nations†). As per this document, the aims and principles of United Nations are mentioned below (â€Å"Introduction to the United Nations†). Aims of United Nation 1. To maintain peace among nations globally 2. Encouraging and developing friendly relations among countries 3. To make efforts in improving the quality of education and eradicating illiteracy 4. To stop the destruction of environment, gender equality and diseases 5. To provide help, rights, respect , security and freedom for all nations 6. To provide aid and support to developing nations to achieve their respective goals Principles of United Nations 1. All the member states should acquire the sovereign equality 2. The charter (fundamental treaty of the UN) must be followed and obeyed by every member states 3. Any differences between nations should be solved in a peaceful manner 4. Every country should avoid using force and must not threaten other nations in using the force 5. Every country should make efforts in assisting United Nations T he Main Organs of United Nations According to the official website of United Nations, there are five main organs of this organization (â€Å"The UN in Brief†). They are- 1. The General Assembly 2. The Security council 3. The Economic and social Council 4. The Trusteeship Council 5. Secretariat and 6. International Court of Justice Fig 1.2- A diagram will project a clear understanding of the main organs of UN (â€Å"

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