Friday, August 23, 2019

Management in the News paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management in the News - Research Paper Example However, from the period of 2007 Grady Memorial Hospital the charitable and training institution in Atlanta started suffering from a huge financial crisis. The huge financial crisis amounting to millions of dollars affected the operations of the hospital. However, the local and the national government have not taken any significant steps to help the hospital revive from the crisis. (Dewan & Sack, 2008) The Grady Memorial Hospital based in Atlanta share a nostalgic relationship with many Americans who have risen to higher positions in the country. In fact, the Grady Memorial Hospital had been the first home in the world to many people living in the region of Atlanta. The hospital observed to be a charitable organization caring for a host of immigrants, prisoners and low income groups is suffering from a financial crisis from the 2007 period. Management operations in the hospital are being carried on through a system of small financial packages obtained from various sources. The case of Grady earns similarity to other health organizations based in different areas of the United States like Memphis, Chicago and Miami. However, the magnitude of financial crisis has led Grady to surpass the distressful situation of around 1,300 hospitals operating in United States. The financial crisis loomed over Grady for the hospital operated on a traditional approach which failed to generate suffici ent funds to help the organization carry out its operations in an extensive manner. Grady Memorial Hospital renders maximum focus in the treatment of the patients belonging to the uninsured and immigrant groups. Moreover, the amounts received from the end of the insured patients also fail to suffice in meeting the operational costs. Further, the Grady Memorial Hospital faces huge competition from other private players operating in the health care arena of the country. The private hospitals and other non-profit health organizations earned high popularity in successfully rendering

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